every Saturday in Wallington.
What is the 11+ Practice Test?
The 11+ Practise Test is a regular weekly test which your child can sit to perfect exam technique and familiarise themselves with typical 11+ questions. It also helps reduce exam nerves.
What subjects are tested?
All four 11+ subjects are tested. Two subjects each, on alternate weeks - Maths and English and Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
What is the difference between a Practice Test and a Mock Test?
The Mock Test examines all 11+ subjects in one sitting and cannot be taken on a weekly basis. On the other hand, Practice tests examine two 11+ subjects and is available weekly. A little practise often, can be invaluable!
When is the test held?
Every Saturday at an 11+ Secondary School in Wallington from 9.30am to 12.30pm. The tests are run from the same location each week. For more details on the venue, please complete and submit the short form on the home page or email us directly.
What time does my child need to be there and when do I collect?
9.15am Registration
9.45am Practice Test 1 starts
10.45am Break
11.00am Practise Test 2 starts
12.15pm End. Parents collect pupils.
What subjects are tested each week?
Subjects tested will alternate weekly starting with:
Maths & English on 14th May 2011 and
Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning on 21st May 2011
For exact details on tests to be taken each week, please complete the booking form NOW.

- Does your child need regular 11+ exam paper practice?
- Does he or she need to improve on exam technique?
- Do you want to have access to a wide range of quality 11+ exam papers?
- Do you want to find out your child's strength and weaknesses?
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then BOOK NOW to boost your child's 11+ results by regular weekly practise.
When will the results be available?
Test results will be made available online or by Wednesday the following week.
What feedback will be provided?
All pupils who sit the tests will receive their test scores. Those who opt for the feedback option will also receive details on their child's strength and weaknesses in each paper taken. We highly recommend this option.