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National Offer Day - 11Plus parents on the edge of their seats!

by The Mock Test Masters team on 02/27/17

National Offer Day, 1st March is the day that children who sat the 11Plus exams in September last year find out whether they got into their first choice secondary school. This will be anxious day for 11Plus parents as they have spent considerable time and money preparing their children for the 11Plus exams.


Your local authority will begin to send out emails on Wednesday 1st and letters will follow later in the week.


Unfortunately, as happens each year, it is not possible to offer every child a

place at a school that they listed as a preference on their application form.  This is because for each of the schools that are named on these application forms, there could be more applications than places available, and other applicants may have a higher priority for a place under each school’s published admission criteria.


So what will the local authority do in this case?


1.     Your local authority has a legal duty to ensure that a place is

made available for every child in its borough, whether this is at a school inside or outside the borough.


2.     For many boroughs, your child’s name will be automatically added to the waiting lists for all the schools that you named as a preference on your application form. Do check with your local authority.


If your child is allocated a school place, it is important to accept or decline the school offer. There is a deadline by which you must do this in order to free up places for other parents. 

Read our next blog on www.mocktestmasters.com to find out what to do if your child does not get into the school of their choice. 

New Grammar Schools

by The Mock Test Masters team on 09/21/16

Several councils have drawn up plans to open new grammar schools according to reports in both the Sunday Times and the Daily Mail. It is reported by the latter that new Grammar schools will have to take a quota of pupils from poor backgrounds or open a non-selective school to run alongside. Faith based schools will also be able to select more pupils based on religion.

KS2 syllabus is vital for the 11+ exams!

by The Mock Test Masters team on 02/10/15

The trend being adopted by many grammar schools seeking to give a wider range of pupils the opportunity to sit and pass the 11+ exams is to examine pupils solely on the content of the primary school curriculum. By doing this, non-tutored children are given an equal chance of passing these exams. 

Ensure your child's tutor is teaching in accordance with the new KS2 curriculum requirements.