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All changes to mock test dates booked will incur a £15 administration fee to cover the cost of making the change.
Where the mock information pack has been produced any changes to the mock test date will incur a £25 fee, only where the mock test date is still open for bookings.
Where the original mock test date is closed for bookings, changes cannot be made to the date under any circumstances.The customer will have to forfeit the full cost of the booking made and book a new date.

For details on how to change your mock test dates, please complete the form below.

1. Make a new booking on our website for the mock test date required but do not make a new payment. Simply select the CHANGE AN EXISTING BOOKING option when prompted to pay.

2. The pay the mock test change fee of £15 by clicking on the PAYMENT link.

3. A confirmation email will be sent on receipt of both the new booking and the payment. 


Authorised change fee £15

Late illness with doctor's certificate rescheduling fee £20