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Copyright 11plus Ltd and Mock Test Masters
Who compiles the mock test questions?
The test questions have been compiled by leading 11+ authors with many years experience of assessing students for the 11+ exams. The test questions will be similar in format and standard to those published by GL/Nfer Nelson who supply some of the real 11+ papers used by some grammar schools.

Are the mock test papers the same for all sittings?
No, they are different. Should you book more than one mock test with us, simply notify us that you have attended one previously and you will be given a different set of papers each time.

Should you find the number of papers in one sitting too intense for your child, you may book differing subjects on different test dates.

Does passing this test guarantee entry into the Grammar and Independent Schools?
No. This is simply a mock test and it in no way contributes to gaining entry to any school. The result your child obtains during the real 11+ exams will determine whether he/she gains a place or not.
Will the test results be weighted by age?
Yes, the results will be weighted, just like the real 11+ exams. Weighting will be applied as follows:
Add 0 point for children born between 1st Sept to 30th November 
Add 1 point for children born between 1st December and 28th February 
Add 2 points for children born between 1st March to 31st May 
Add 3 points for children born between 1st June and 31st August
Mock test questions
Admission to selective schools
Standardisation of scores
Illness on the test day
What will happen if my child is ill?
If your child is unwell please inform us no later than 24 hours before the exam. We will do our best to accommodate your child on another test date, provided a doctors certificate is provided as proof of illness. A £15 rescheduling fee will also apply.
What will happen if my child is unable to attend?
Please advise us in advance if your child is unable to attend a booked Mock test. This will ensure that those on the waiting list can then be offered the place. 

Where notification of any absence is not given in advance, the fee paid will immediately be forfeited. Management reserves the right however, to allow a transfer to another mock test date only where:
1. Absences are notified in advance or
2. An additional mock test is booked and paid for in advance, where advance notification of an absence has not been given.

Where a customer requests a refund up to 45 days in advance, this will be given less a 35% administration charge. Unfortunately, refund requests after this date cannot be granted. 
Sutton Grammar mock test
My child has taken a mock test at Sutton Grammar School for Boys. Is another mock test necessary?

The mock test organised by the Parent Teachers Association at Sutton Grammar School for Boys is an excellent way to get your child familiar with the experience of taking an 11+ exam. Our approach however, goes a step further. We address two areas of importance to parents that the Sutton Grammar Mock tests do not.

Firstly, the Mock Test results for boys who sit the exam at Sutton Grammar are presented with that of girls. Our mock tests results will be for boys or girls only. It will enable you rank your child's performance against other children who will be taking the same exams. A good way to see if your child is of selective ability, but please do not take the mock results as conclusive evidence that this is the case. Like any other mock test, it is only a guide.

Secondly, the test being held at all locations gives you the option to request feedback on the questions your child gets wrong. We would like parents to know their child's strengths and weaknesses in this exam paper. This could be invaluable in helping them target areas where their child is underperforming in relation to their all male or female cohort. We have attempted to make our mock test questions cover a wide range of 11+ topics, there is no however no guarantee, that all these areas will be examined on the day.

Many parents opt to expose their children to as many mock tests as possible, to build confidence and to improve exam technique. They in turn are much more relaxed and perform better.