1.  What are Numeracy and Literacy papers 1, 2, 3?  
Grammar schools in the London borough of Sutton require pupils to sit the Selective Eligibility Test which comprises of a Literacy and a Numeracy multiple choice paper. (Please note that Wallington High School for Girls and Nonsuch are currently proposing to adopt the same testing format.) We often have parents who would like their child to attempt more than 1 mock test, hence the option of papers 2 and 3 which ensures the child gets a different paper at each sitting. All pupils must first attempt Paper 1 before papers 2 and 3 respectively.

2. Does my child have to sit a Writing Mock test?
No, however, if your child is successful at Stage 1 of the Selective Eligibility Test, he will be required to sit a Writing exam at Stage 2. The content of the writing paper is unknown, hence our mock tests give pupils the opportunity to practise 5 types of writing styles. Simply choose any two writing types you think your child may need further practise. Should you wish to book for all five writing types, you will be required to complete a separate writing mock test. Click here for more details.

3. What is the difference between Papers 1, 2 and 3?
All our mock test questions are based on the Key Stage 2 syllabus in each subject. Papers 1, 2 and 3 are simply additional papers of the same subject with different questions. All papers are of a similar level, they do not get progressively more difficult. Where this is your 1st mock test , select Paper 1. If your child has attempted or already booked Paper 1, then select Paper 2.

4. Do I have to book all 4 papers? 
No, for Stage 1 tests you are only required to book a minimum of 2 papers which are Numeracy and Literacy. The Writing papers are entirely optional.

5. Do I need to do the Stage 2 11+ mock tests?
During the Stage 2 exams in Sutton, pupils will be tested in Maths and English (non-multiple choice.) All papers will be written by each specific school. Pupils who pass Stage 1 will be invited to sit Stage 2. As a result, you may wish to sit Stage 2 at a later date.

Should you have any further questions, please call us on 0800 242 5525 or 0208 669 2197 or send an email.